Friday, February 25, 2011

the pleasures of friendship

Impromptu, sincere gestures of friendship are a rarity in this land of sickeningly untrusting and two-faced people.

That's why these gestures are such a joy -- as when you arrive home late in the evening after an exhausting day and find a small bowl of delicious, wholesome stew at the bottom of your stairway tenderly left by a friend with an affectionate note.

Arigato, I.-san! You're one in a million indeed.


António Rebordão said...

Esses momentos também foram muito especiais para mim e guardo-os com muito carinho. Quando vires o casal Ito, por favor diz-lhes que penso regularmente neles (embora o não expresse em cartas ou telefonemas).

DK said...

O recado sera dado - com muito prazer. ":o)